Veterinary Exam

Book your pet's next wellness exam to keep them happy and healthy.

To help maintain your pet’s health, they need regular checkups, which allows our veterinary team to stay up-to-date with changes in their health. During your pet’s visits, they receive the necessary diagnostic, examination and preventative treatments to help them continue to live a long, happy life with you.

What is a veterinary exam?

A veterinary exam is a wellness checkup to assess your pet’s health and provide them with necessary care. At the beginning of your pet’s appointment, we’ll do a physical exam to check potential abnormalities, growths, areas of pain or discomfort and mobility issues. We’ll also discuss your pet’s health at home, which helps us understand what their daily routines and lifestyle are like. In addition, this is a chance for you to ask any questions about your pet’s health or note any observations and concerns you’ve had between visits. We’ll also review your pet’s file to make sure they’re up-to-date with all their vaccinations, preventative treatments and any other locally mandated treatments.

What else happens during the appointment?

Wellness checkups allow us to give your pet diagnostic procedures and treatments, including:

  • Microchipping
  • Dental examination
  • Spaying/neutering
  • Bloodwork
  • Heartworm testing

When should I book my pet’s appointment?

We recommend consistent wellness visits for pets, typically once a year. For puppies and kittens, their first appointment should be around 8-weeks-old. Early wellness exams help us to establish a baseline of your pet’s health and diagnose any health concerns early on. We’ll also provide important advice about caring for your new pet, including tooth brushing techniques and parasite control. Senior pets should see us twice a year to help them maintain a high quality of life for as long as possible. To schedule your pet’s next appointment, please contact us at 403-288-7299.

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